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Memorizing Piano Scales? ENTER: The Amazing Tetrachord!

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Hello from Kent!

Today I’m sharing a piano lesson that I first published on YouTube in 2016, I think it was.  

It’s extremely helpful to have both a visual and an aural mastery of the Major Scale, in each of the 12 keys,  if you want to become “fluent” at  reading sheet music.

My video lesson below (on YouTube) describes a SIMPLE, VISUAL MEANS of learning ALL MAJOR SCALES on piano or keyboard, based on just ONE FOUR-NOTE PATTERN from music theory, called the MAJOR TETRACHORD. Being able to SEE the notes of any given scale on the piano, in your mind’s eye, is very helpful for improvisation–and also when READING SHEET MUSIC, in ALL KEYS. When reading sheet music, this pattern-based IMAGE of the KEY (or SCALE) that you’re in (such as C Major, or Bb Major) will boost your reading speed and accuracy by leaps and bounds. Knowing the LOOK and FEEL of each of these TWELVE major scales “with your eyes shut,” is really critical to good sight reading, especially.


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What are Time Signatures in sheet music?

Image of 4/4 time signature.
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Welcome to  My name is Kent D. Smith.

Today’s article is about time signatures in music notation.

What are time signatures in music and why are they important?

If you want to learn how to read and write music, one of the most essential concepts you need to understand is time signature. A time signature, also known as a meter signature, is a notation that tells you how many beats are in each measure of music, and what kind of note value equals one beat. A measure, or a bar, is a group of notes separated by vertical lines called bar lines.

A time signature consists of two numbers stacked on top of each other, like a fraction. The upper number tells you how many beats are in each measure, while the lower number tells you what type of note value receives one beat. For example, a time signature of 4/4 means that there are four beats in each measure, and each beat is equal to a quarter note. A time signature of 3/8 means that there are three beats in each measure, and each beat is equal to an eighth note.

Time signatures are important because they help musicians to organize the rhythm and feel of the music. They also indicate which beats are emphasized or accented, which affects the expression and mood of the music. For example, a time signature of 4/4 usually has a strong accent on the first beat and a weaker accent on the third beat, creating a steady and predictable pulse. A time signature of 3/4 usually has a strong accent on the first beat and two weaker beats, creating a waltz-like feel.

The Two Main Types of Time Signature

There are two main types of time signatures: simple and compound.

Simple time signatures have 2, 3, or 4 as the upper number, which means that the beats are grouped in pairs. For example, 2/4 means two quarter notes per measure, 3/4 means three quarter notes per measure, and 4/4 means four quarter notes per measure.

Compound time signatures have 6, 9, or 12 as the upper number, which means that the beats are grouped in threes. For example, 6/8 means six eighth notes per measure, but they are grouped as two dotted quarter notes. 9/8 means nine eighth notes per measure, but they are grouped as three dotted quarter notes. 12/8 means twelve eighth notes per measure, but they are grouped as four dotted quarter notes.


Special Symbols for Time Signatures (Instead of Numbers)

There are also some special symbols that can be used instead of numbers for some common time signatures. The symbol C stands for common time or 4/4, which is the most frequently used time signature in Western music. The symbol C with a vertical line through it stands for cut time or 2/2, which is similar to 4/4 but with half the note values. These symbols derive from mensural notation, an old system of music notation that used different shapes to indicate different note values.

Time signatures are not fixed or absolute; they can change within a piece of music to create contrast or variety. A change of time signature is indicated by a new time signature written after a bar line. For example, a piece of music can start with a time signature of 4/4 and then switch to 3/4 for a few measures before returning to 4/4.

Why are Time Signatures Important?

Time signatures are one of the basic elements of music theory that help us to understand and appreciate the structure and style of different musical genres and compositions. By learning how to read and use time signatures, you can improve your musical skills and enjoy playing and listening to music more.

— Kent

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Understanding Compound Time Signatures – from

Post cover image showing compound time signatures and piano keyboards.
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Understanding Compound Time Signatures

Welcome to  My name is Kent D. Smith.

Today’s article is about Compound Time Signatures in sheet music.  While this term may sound a little intimidating, the idea behind it is pretty straightforward.

Visit our “SHEET MUSIC WITH LETTERS” store HERE (on this website)

What Are Time Signatures?

Before we delve into compound time, let’s quickly recap what time signatures are. In music notation, a time signature appears at the beginning of a piece or a section and tells us how the beats are organized within each measure (or bar). It consists of two numbers stacked vertically:

  1. The top number indicates the number of beats per measure.
  2. The bottom number represents the type of note that receives one beat.

For example, in 4/4 time, there are four beats per measure, and each beat corresponds to a quarter note (crotchet).

Simple Time Signatures

Up until now, you’ve probably encountered simple time signatures. These are characterized by:

  • A top number of 2, 3, or 4.
  • Beats divided into two equal parts.
  • The main beat not being a dotted note.

For instance:

  • In 4/4 time, the main beat is a crotchet (quarter note).
  • In 2/2 time, the main beat is a minim (half note).
  • In 3/8 time, the main beat is a quaver (eighth note).

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BOOK: How to add Note-Names to ANY sheet music for piano and other instruments

PDF Book - How to Add Note-Names (Letters) to Sheet Music
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Learn how to identify and label ANY NOTE, on ANY piece of sheet music — for piano, guitar, bass, voice, and most other instruments (covers Treble and Bass staves).

“…It is so easy to comprehend and so very comprehensive. Not a stone left unturned.”  – Thomas P.  (Perth, Australia, one of my first customers).

Sheet Music With Letters – Shop HERE

Are you tired of trying to find the “letter-notes” for your favorite songs and pieces?  Maybe disappointed by the number of pieces that you can actually find, when looking for complete piano pieces that include note-name labels (including my collection on this site)? 

Hello from Kent of “Piano with Kent” (R) and “Read Piano Music Now.”

Today I’m very pleased to announce my brand new, exclusive book, How to Add Letters (Note-Names) to Sheet Music – With a Focus on Piano.

This book uses a very straightforward Three Step Process for naming any note on sheet music—no matter if the note is a sharp, flat, or natural, and no matter what the Key Signature is.  This includes up to six ledger lines, above or below the Treble or Bass staff.

This is a printable PDF download.

Here’s the product page (on this website):


Months in the making, this book will show you how to properly name ANY note, on either the treble or bass staff (the upper and lower staves of standard piano sheet music).

This includes any and all sharps and flats.

The big question of handling Key Signatures is thoroughly covered!

Also, you will learn how to handle “accidentals” on any sheet music. (Accidentals are sharps, flats, and natural signs that appear in front of a given note on sheet music, and they override the Key Signature.) Accidentals follow special rules of interpretation, and these too are thoroughly addressed in the book.

This 51-page book includes many examples and practice exercises. Each exercise is followed by its correct solution, with a detailed explanation of what was done.

You can use this book to interpret even the most advanced of classical pieces!

For details, please click on the product description at the top of this post.

Here are a few select images of pages, from the book itself (apologies if the image resolutions below are not great, on your screen — in the actual book, all images are very clean!).

Page from "How to Add Note-Names (Letters) to Sheet Music" PDF Book. Illustration of Musical Accidentals.
Page from “How to Add Note-Names (Letters) to Sheet Music.” Musical Accidentals.

Continue reading BOOK: How to add Note-Names to ANY sheet music for piano and other instruments

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Complete Für Elise | Standard sheet w Note Names (letters) & VIDEO

Product Image: First page from 'Fur Elise Sheet Music with Letters and Notes Together.'
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  1. ALSO check out my new book! Learn how to add Note-Names (Letters) to ANY Sheet Music for Piano (and many other instruments)!

Für Elise – Main Theme – REFERENCE VIDEO

GRAPHICALLY illustrated on a piano keyboard (with sound)

~ Slow Tempo ~

For reference and learning

Hello from Kent!

Today I’m sharing an older YouTube video of mine, from around 2010.

This video (at bottom) covers the MAIN SECTION of ‘Für Elise’ by Beethoven, as illustrated in slow-motion (with pitch-corrected sound) on a keyboard.

I generated this video  from my Complete ‘Für Elise’ Sheet Music with Letters, which I sell HERE (on this website). 


Continue reading Complete Für Elise | Standard sheet w Note Names (letters) & VIDEO

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Für Elise COMPLETE | Sheet music with Letters and Notes together | PDF download

Fur Elise by Beethoven - piano sheet music with letters - product image.
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Hello from Kent!

Today I’m very pleased to announce a brand new sheet music publication on ‘Read Piano Music Now!’ (this site). What we have for you today is Für Elise Sheet Music with Letters and Notes Together.

For details, simply click on the product image immediately below (this link takes you directly to the product itself – on this website).

This is the COMPLETE and original Für Elise (Bagatelle No. 25 in A minor)!

Aside from what you can read in the product description, here are some interesting things about Beethoven’s Für Elise that you might not know!

Continue reading Für Elise COMPLETE | Sheet music with Letters and Notes together | PDF download

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Watch this space for educational Articles & Videos about all things Sheet Music!

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Meantime, please visit our ABOUT page!

The future of this blog section is rich! I am very excited about it! The focus is entirely about how to read sheet music for piano, and also for other instruments.

Please keep coming back!

We will be talking about:

  • – How to read rhythm in sheet music.
  • How to understand the notes on both staves, as they related to your piano keyboard.
  • – The meanings of all those symbols on sheet music: Dynamics, phrasing lines, tied notes, pedal markings, tempo and “mood” instructions, repeat signs and descriptions, and much more!
  • – Key signatures.
  • – Accidentals (sharps, flats and “naturals”), as written inside any given measure, which temporarily override the key signature.
  • – Chord symbols.
  • – Basically, everything that has to do with reading sheet music, especially for piano, but also for any instrument!

Please bookmark this site, and keep coming back! This website is brand-spanking new, and growing fast!
