Today I’m sharing a piano lesson that I first published on YouTube in 2016, I think it was.
It’s extremely helpful to have both a visual and an aural mastery of the Major Scale, in each of the 12 keys, if you want to become “fluent” at reading sheet music.
My video lesson below (on YouTube) describes a SIMPLE, VISUAL MEANS of learning ALL MAJOR SCALES on piano or keyboard, based on just ONE FOUR-NOTE PATTERN from music theory, called the MAJOR TETRACHORD. Being able to SEE the notes of any given scale on the piano, in your mind’s eye, is very helpful for improvisation–and also when READING SHEET MUSIC, in ALL KEYS. When reading sheet music, this pattern-based IMAGE of the KEY (or SCALE) that you’re in (such as C Major, or Bb Major) will boost your reading speed and accuracy by leaps and bounds. Knowing the LOOK and FEEL of each of these TWELVE major scales “with your eyes shut,” is really critical to good sight reading, especially.
Today, I’m very pleased to announce the Complete ‘Clair de Lune‘ by Claude Debussy: Exclusive, professionally compiled and engraved sheet music for piano, with letter note-names provided for each note.