Just Added: SECOND (2nd) Movement of Beethoven’s Moonlight Sonata – Sheet Music with Letter-Names included.
This completes the full set of 3 movements of “Moonlight Sonata” (Piano Sonata No. 14) — now available in our online store. (Each movement can be purchased separately.)
Hello and welcome to ReadPianoMusicNow.com. My name is Kent D. Smith.
Today I’m happy to announce publication of the Second Movement of Beethoven’s “Moonlight Sonata” sheet music with letter-names included, on this website.
This SECOND MOVEMENT completes the set of all 3 movements of Beethoven’s famous Piano Sonata No. 14, a.k.a. “Moonlight”, as featured in our online Sheep Music Shop (on this site).
Which MOVEMENT(S) of Moonlight Sonata are you looking for?
Let’s examine the three movements of Moonlight Sonata (Piano Sonata No 14), so that you can determine which ones you might be interested in.
Learn how to identify and label ANY NOTE, on ANY piece of sheet music — for piano, guitar, bass, voice, and most other instruments (covers Treble and Bass staves).
“…It is so easy to comprehend and so very comprehensive. Not a stone left unturned.” – Thomas P. (Perth, Australia, one of my first customers).
Are you tired of trying to find the “letter-notes” for your favorite songs and pieces? Maybe disappointed by the number of pieces that you can actually find, when looking for complete piano pieces that include note-name labels (including my collection on this site)?
Hello from Kent of “Piano with Kent” (R) and “Read Piano Music Now.”
Today I’m very pleased to announce my brand new, exclusive book, How to Add Letters (Note-Names) to Sheet Music – With a Focus on Piano.
This book uses a very straightforward Three Step Process for naming any note on sheet music—no matter if the note is a sharp, flat, or natural, and no matter what the Key Signature is. This includes up to six ledger lines, above or below the Treble or Bass staff.
Months in the making, this book will show you how to properly name ANY note, on either the treble or bass staff (the upper and lower staves of standard piano sheet music).
This includes any and all sharps and flats.
The big question of handling Key Signatures is thoroughly covered!
Also, you will learn how to handle “accidentals” on any sheet music. (Accidentals are sharps, flats, and natural signs that appear in front of a given note on sheet music, and they override the Key Signature.) Accidentals follow special rules of interpretation, and these too are thoroughly addressed in the book.
This 51-page book includes many examples and practice exercises. Each exercise is followed by its correct solution, with a detailed explanation of what was done.
You can use this book to interpret even the most advanced of classical pieces!
For details, please click on the product description at the top of this post.
Here are a few select images of pages, from the book itself (apologies if the image resolutions below are not great, on your screen — in the actual book, all images are very clean!).
Page from “How to Add Note-Names (Letters) to Sheet Music.” Musical Accidentals.
Today I’m very pleased to announce a brand new sheet music publication on ‘Read Piano Music Now!’ (this site). What we have for you today is Für Elise Sheet Music with Letters and Notes Together.
For details, simply click on the product image immediately below (this link takes you directly to the product itself – on this website).