Nocturne (E♭ Major)
Opus 9, No. 2
by Frédéric Chopin
Professionally engraved and annotated piano sheet music, in formal, traditional format, with Letter-Names (note labels) added to every note.
These letter-names include any and all “accidentals” (sharps, flats, naturals, etc.).
You can read more about the letters, further below.
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The professional engraver, Kent D. Smith, is a college-degreed piano teacher and music instructor, with over 45 years of professional music experience.
Complete and unabridged.
Musically accurate notation:
These lettered notes are 100% musically accurate, based on both the prevailing key signature; and also, any and all accidentals (a musical term, meaning sharps, flats and naturals, temporarily inserted for any given note) that may be in effect, during the current measure. (In other words, it’s never necessary to “second-guess” these note labels, as you read continuously through the piece.)
100% accuracy and completeness is 100% guaranteed. You can request a refund at any time, no questions asked – and there is no time limit.
If you have ANY questions, problems, or concerns, just let Kent know HERE (email and phone). I pride myself in excellent customer service!